Archive for April 4th, 2011

April 4, 2011

Amazon’s Cloud…No Thanks

by Cordelia

So, I went to the other day to look for a product I wanted, and I’m greeted by a very nice note from CEO Jeff Bezos telling me I can have 5 gigs of storage in this Amazon Cloud for free because I have an amazon account.

Oh goodie?

I had read about this already on one of my news pages, and I have to say I’m not impressed. I converted every single CD I had ever bought to mp3’s and its possible that I inadvertently sold my soul to Steve Jobs for a ridiculous number of iTunes downloads…so what good is 5 gigs of storage when i have 20 gigs of music alone?

I don’t want to pay for online storage. I have a web server, so really, I already have web storage available and I’ve already paid for it, but apparently this service can end up costing you around 1k a year, and that’s an awful lot of money just to store your stuff.